Friday, February 6, 2009

13. Ali Baalbaki asked, "Who cares?" Good question. Should we care about the Federalist Era? Due Weds Feb. 12th

How are events from the early 19th century relevant to our lives today? In other words, will studying 1810 prepare us for facing 2010? Using your notes from our Philadelphia Street-Fair, information from the textbook and building on the rough draft you completed in class, answer the question by making specific connections to the topics we've studied to prove your point.


ian mankes said...

Some facts that I have gathered might help prepare us for the future. Such things could be science or societies teaching us to see in a different perspective.
Steam power and the subject of Slater, Lowell, and Whitney might help prepare us for 2010 or even further into the future. We might base their inventions on new technology like newer and faster trains. For the Hawks, war has shown itself in Iraq and now it is time to turn to the Doves. We can use Hamilton's economic plan to solve our economic crisis today.
We need some of these groups and inventions from the 19th century to help us benefit the world for ourselves and for the generations after.

Stephen said...

I belive that events that occurred during the 19th century are important to our lives today because during these times there were inventions such as steam power and the Erie Canal which really changed peoples life. With these inventions transportation and trade became much quicker and easier. Cities that were involved with these new inventions grew and the population increased.
Dieseases such as yellow fever killed and sickened many people but also created a disire to learn more about health and more was known about many sicknesses.
There were also explorers like Lewis and Clark who discovered new lands. If they never had explored west than we would never have found many of the north-western states and never would have known the lands that we bought in the Louisina purchese. There would also be many unknown species of birds and plants that we woul have never discovered. There were also important freedom fighters like Tecumseh and the free african sociaty encouraged rights of freedom which may have affected today's sociaty. Great thinkers such as Hamilton set up economic plans that still exist today.
There were also great leaders like George Washington who led the United states in the American Revolution and helped start out the new country on the right foot and helped settle foreign affairs. James Madison helped supervise the Louisiana Purchese and he is also considerded to be the father of the Bill Of Rights.

michael eberman said...

Events from the early 19th century are important to our lives because the events opened doorways. Doorways that helped us succeed in technology, races, politics, medicine, and independence.
Think about it. Do you think we would be free independent people, if people like George Washington or Lewis and Clark were never there? Do you think we would let other races exist if it wasn’t for Tecumsha or the free African society or Toussaint Lovverture and the Haitian delegation.
Our political needs wouldn’t be fulfilled if it wasn’t for the constitution or early presidents. We wouldn’t have a strong mean of transportation or making clothing if it wasn’t for Slater, Lowell, and Whitney or the Erie canal and steam power.
Also thousands of people would be in dept if it wasn’t for Hamilton’s economic plan.
In case you didn’t know . We didn’t always own the country. It was split up between the colonies Britain France and Spain. Thanks to early war generals we won it over and created the USA. Thanks to early doctors we found treatments to yellow fever and other dieses . Thanks to the cotton gin, slaves were freed and a lot of money was made. The Erie canal also shipped thousands of goods between places.
Thanks to whatever else happened around that time it helped shape and create a great country with strong economics a strong military and strong hearted people.

jonathan_suris said...

i dont think we should care about the federalist era. Some thing from 1810 have stayed the same and changed a little and other things havent stayed the same and have changed a lot. the steam power trains back then were slow and now we have faster ones. We had war hawks back then and we still have war hawk/soldiers now, but theyre more advanced with weaponry and fighting. its not like anything new will appear because almost everything in the u.s. is relevant to everything in 1810.

Alex D said...

Some events in 1810 are connected to our livestoday. The topics include Benjamin Banneker and the plan for washington D.C. ,free african society, and war hawks.
Benjamin and the plan for Washington important because the original plan is still the same as the plan right now built the same way. The Free African society helped free black people and thats why there is no slavery. War Hawks helped because they helped us free from british.
All these events do prepare us for 2010 because of its evidence.

Hassan_Khan said...

In 1810, some of the events that accured in 1810 and they are related to our lives today. Some of the topics that are related to today is warhawks, the free African American Society and the plan for Washington D.C are related to our lives today. The Washington D.C plan is what we follow today. The War Hawks helped us to seperate away from Britain and thats why they dont control us anymore. And the Free African American Society helped freed a lot of slaves and helps us know what the right thing to do with slaves and thats why we have no African Slaves today.

FuYuan (Victor) Liang said...

Back then in the early 1900s, there was an event that was very horrible. It is very similiar to today. It happened around 1929. It was called the Great Depression. The economy was very low because the stock markets crashed. This is similiar to us now because our economy is poor too. Both these events are a major crisis.
If we can just fix our economy the way the people back then did,then we might have a chance to do the same now. Right now the government is trying very hard to fix this crisis. This was the same with everyone back then too.
According to Free African Society, Africans and even other races were still being treated unfairly. Right now today, racism isn't as much as it used to, but there still is racism now and then. For example, some homes in certain areas has deeds that allows only certain races to live there. In one neighborhood on the news was an area where only Caucasians can live there.
People were trying to stop racism back then too. That was why war was started. The civil war and the Holocost were racist events that were fought to free Africans and Jews. The civil war was fought to free African Americans. The Holocost was fought to stop Hitler and free Jews.
Back then there were diseases too. Doctors were trying to find a cure against diseases like the Yellow Fever. Doctors today are trying to find a cure for cancer, AIDs , HIV. Doctors are still trying to find a cure for cancer, AIDs, and HIV just like we are still looking for cure for Yellow Fever.

Jade Fenton said...

Events from the early 19th century are important to our lives because the events opened doorways. Doorways that helped us succeed in technology, races, politics, medicine, and independence.
Think about it. Do you think we would be free independent people, if people like George Washington or Lewis and Clark were never there? Do you think we would let other races exist if it wasn’t for Tecumsha or the free African society or Toussaint Lovverture and the Haitian delegation.
Our political needs wouldn’t be fulfilled if it wasn’t for the constitution or early presidents. We wouldn’t have a strong mean of transportation or making clothing if it wasn’t for Slater, Lowell, and Whitney or the Erie canal and steam power.
Also thousands of people would be in dept if it wasn’t for Hamilton’s economic plan.
In case you didn’t know . We didn’t always own the country. It was split up between the colonies Britain France and Spain. Thanks to early war generals we won it over and created the USA. Thanks to early doctors we found treatments to yellow fever and other dieses . Thanks to the cotton gin, slaves were freed and a lot of money was made. The Erie canal also shipped thousands of goods between places.
Thanks to whatever else happened around that time it helped shape and create a great country with strong economics a strong military and strong hearted people.

anthony cherny said...
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anthony cherny said...
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anthony cherny said...

People learn from their mistakes and experiences either they want to believe it or not. The 19th century was a very progressive one and it teaches us how to believe and overcome some obstacles that we have now.
The steam engine ones seemed so futuristic to people and we still use it now and don't pay attention to it much. now we have progressed so much but that didn't stop the people in the 19th century so why should it stop us.
making a point or expressing opinions and ideas is a really important part of every society, it was really hard to fight for freedom in 19th century. It was hard for people like Tecumseh, who died trying to protect rights of the natives, and George Washington, who's ideas were presented in the constitution,to exist in their time. Now that everyone has freedom of speech, not a lot of people are comfortable with standing up for themselves and their loved ones. And again the events and the people from the 19th century teach us lessons that we and our children should consider and learn from them.
there are lots of examples like those two in which the people in the older times progressed even more then we are progressing right now. So why not learn from our past, make our lives better, and give examples for future generations.

Anonymous said...

The past will always be important, but not as important as the future. We should care about the Federalist Era, it can benefit us. It can let us improve the ways and expand the ideas. A great example is the cure for Yellow Fever. They had plenty of diseases during the 19th century and as the years go by, we are 1 step ahead to finding the cure. Another good example is Lewis and Clark, they explored for new lands. It gave people the urge to go out and explore.
Great communities like the Shakers invented useful things. They actually made life much better, even though they passed away. Inventions change and so do the people's ideas. We should never forget the past, the past might be dreadful, but time heals wounds. Ask yourself these questions. How would life change without the invention the chair coming from the shakers, would we stand and never sit? Can Hamilton's economic plan can fix today's economy? Or would the world be the same if James Madison was never born? The answers may vary, but the Federalist Era was a great time of ideas, inventions and great leaders.

Miriam Avrutin said...

Nothing in the past can be changed, although it could be acknowledged. The History of many things has prepared us with the worst case scenario. After 9/11 all the security has raised their attention. We can not change 9/11 but we can learn from it.
In 1810 there was a yellow fever epidemic lots of people died, today there is still o cure. The tells us to find a cure, and it encourages us to research other cures.
The constitution brings us together as a country; it limits power to any 1 person and is helpful. We owe great thanks to James Madison for writing the constution; he indeed is a founding father. And he is respected.
Being British may be good to Britain’s but not to Americans. SO after being some what tortured by the British we were lead into war by a man named George Washington. He held the colonies together and led us into victory. Therefore we are no longer British.
The free African Society, during slavery African Americans were treated very poorly, so on April 12, 1787 a society was formed. It was set up like a church and it served the black community. It gave aid to the widowed the sick and of course the jobless. Today slavery is illegal but if you would ever find out about any slavery and racism toward any race then this would be the place to report it to.
The history of our lives is a tragic story with a happy ending. The history is the start and you are the finish. History is in the making you are the end not time. You may discover the cure to Yellow Fever or be the next leader to war why is history important, well why not.

Sarh Aly said...
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Sarh Aly said...
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Justin Yuen said...

During the early 1800’s the steam engine reformed the world. There was many invention likes the steam powered train, factories, mills and transportation vehicles. The bad side was the pollution. People didn’t notice what the pollution was doing to the planet. Sometimes smoke filled the sky and turn snow from white to grey. It even decreased the temperature of the earth. For example, in England for the 1st time the river froze. Today we learn from the mistakes in the 1800’s. In 2010 we will use less and cleaner coal. We will pay attention to the side effects.

Sharena Austin said...

Events that happened back in the early 1900's are events that have a very huge impact on us as being citizens of the United States these events are useful to us because with the information we have heared around our families, in books or just in your daily environment we can educate children so that they would have knowledge of what went on in the past . Now in our textbooks they don't have enough for children to really understand the concept. Us as children need to be informed on past events so that if it ever comes up we will always remember that you have been taught that already. This is why i think events that happened in the early 1900's is so important to us.

Sarh Aly said...

Studying events in 1810 prepare us for facing 2010. Ever since 1810 there have been many problems and successful ideas. The past can’t be change, but it will sure help the future. Some of these events were racism, the fight against wars, the fights for war, and there were many successful inventions.
One great leader was Tecumseh. As the whites tried to buy the Shawnee land, Tecumseh fought to stop them. Even though he has lost many battles, for example the Battle of Tippecanoe and The Battle of the Thames, he never gave up and sacrificed his life to save his Shawnee people from the terrorism of the whites. Today his dream of a grand alliance still stands in the hearts of his Shawnee people. This event influenced how we should think in the future. Whether it is to fight for freedom or to keep peace and not to fight at all.
Another wonderful leader was George Washington. George Washington was a Patriot leader, served as a representative to the Constitutional Congresses, commanded the Constitutional Army, and was unanimously elected to two terms as a president of the United States. Most importantly, he was a Revolutionary War hero. Washington’s contribution to American victory saved our history and freed us today. He fought for our freedom and never gave up. Teaching us that, that is what we need to do later on to save our future of 2010.
One of the most wonderful things that still helps us today are the inventions. There have been inventions like the cotton gin and steam power. Cotton gin was used to take seeds out of cotton. Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry in the United States. Steam power is used for transportation that is still used today. These inventions help us live a better life and persuade us to continue making inventions.
The Free African Society was formed on April 12, 1787. Richard Allen and Absalom Jones, one of the prominent black members at Saint George's, discussed how to best help their community and formed the society. It was formed in a time in which Africans were kept as slaves. This society served the black community and helped many Africans. It helped the sick and the jobless. It was until the Africans fought for their rights and won back their freedom. Today slavery is not allowed and because of the fight for freedom this is so. This tells us that we need to fight for our freedom.
Not only did the Africans fight for freedom, so did slaves from Haiti and us the Americans. With leaders as great as George Washington, Richard Allen, and Absalom Jones, they have freed and helped us today and taught us that slavery isn’t the key. Teaching us that we can learn from the past’s mistakes.
Not only could these events prepare us for the future of 2010, it has already prepared us today. With the help of George Washington he has saved the Americans from the torture of the British. Now America stands as “America the Free” for we know now that torture is wrong because of the experiences back then.
So as you can see there have been lots of mistakes and successes in the past that we learn from today. We will learn the right way to deal with mistakes by not making it into a bigger problem. The past will help us think of more ideas that were thought of back then but never succeeded. For example, the past might influence someone to finally find the cure for yellow fever. We should never forget the past. For if we do, the past will be our future…again.

The past influences us today, so we should care.

Alex D said...

Alex Dubinkin posting for Alvin Fung.

All of these events from the Philadelphia street fair are relevent to our lives today, Events like the shakers, Madison for president, steam power, war hawks, Washington's life story, yellow fever, free african society, erie canal, Lewis and Clark, Doves against war, hamilton's economic plan, and the hatian delegationis relevent because we learn how these things affected life in the past and what happenend if they weren't here.
If Madison, Washington and Hamilton weren't around at that time we would be under the rule of the British. Lewis and Clark went to the west and got the louisana purchase. If it wasn't for the free african society and Hation Delegation we would still have slavery. Both war hawks and doves helped us free from britian but both groups are opposite. If Tecumseh and Shakers, we would have no respect for any native americans and there would be any more left. If it wasn't for erie canal and steam power we would have no good transportation. For example, steam power was related to trains and the erie canal helped ships go to places and ship goods. Yellow fever was a disease that spread through pennsylvania and th U.S and it was a plague in Europe.
These are all facts which shows that they all relate to our lives today.

Kenneth Li said...

The events that happened in the early 19th century benefited us today. For example, the steam power and the Erie canal changed the peoples lives. Transportation became much faster and trading was easier. The disease "Yellow Fever" killed many people. This allowed us to learn more about health.The explorers Lewis and Clark discovered new lands in the west. If they didn't explore these lands, some states wouldn't have been found.We can use Hamilton's economic plan to solve the economic crisis today. Some of the things that happened back then can still help us today and can benefit generation after generation.

elaine_chan said...
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elaine_chan said...

Ever since the 19th century, many things have changed. Back then, many events occurred that changed the world to look like today. There were many successful and helpful ideas from people back then that helps many people today.

Sam Slater, Francis Lowell and Eli Whitney were one of those many heroes who helped the world to look like today. They three invented the cotton gin. The cotton gin is a mechanical device that can remove seeds from the cotton, which can generate up to 55 pounds of cleaned cotton per day. Because of those three brilliant men, we have a mechanical device that can help us make clothes faster today.

Tecumseh is a name that all people in the United States should remember. Tecumseh was a brave man. He fought for the unity among the Shawnee people by fighting the whites. He never gave up. Today Tecumseh is known as a brave warrior. If it wasn’t of Tecumseh, many Shawnee people won’t be freed from the whites and we would all still be under British rule.

Two other heroes are Richard Allen and Absalom Jones. They were both born as slaves. Allen and Jones both had to buy their own freedom when they raised enough money by harvesting small tips they got from their owners. In 1787, they both partnered up to create an organization named, The Free African Society. This organization was created because of racial discrimination and the inhumane treatment of African Americans. Because of this society, many Africans can now finally express themselves freely and have the freedom they deserve.

As you can see, many events that occurred in the 19th century really benefited how we live today and maybe how we will live in the future. We were lucky that such brilliant people named Sam Slater, Francis Lowell, Eli Whitney, Tecumseh, Richard Allen, Absalom Jones, etc. were given birth to. If it wasn’t of them, we might not be living the way we are right now.

elizabeth_sangadzhiev said...

I think that some events from the 19th century are relevant to our lives today. In the 19th century, steam power had part in the industrial revolution and is still used today. From it people today can find better ideas of using it more efficiently. Lewis & Clark had explored many animals and lands that are important to us today. They are one of the greatest explorers. James Madison contributed a great deal to the constitution, which we follow still today. He is also known as "The Father of the Bill of Rights." The Doves wanted to handle problems in a peaceful manner. They are influential and their thinking can help us with Iraq. They didn't go to war and this saved lots of their profits. All these people and events helped change our lives today. If some of these events didn't occur, our lifes would be different and maybe not in a good way.
Studying the Federalist Era can prepare us for 2010 in many ways. These events are relevant today and help us make better decisions. In 1810, we had many inventions but today we have more advanced technology built from our old inventions. Our ideas today can improve from our past ideas in the 19th century.

Oznur_Gul said...

Many events from the 19th century has helped the US today. Everything that happens leads us to new things and we learn from experiences. Lewis and Clark's expedition for example, they explored and showed new lands to America. The Free African Society showed many people that we must free these slaves, no matter what their race is. If we didn't have the Free African Society, there may be slavery still going on today. The yellow fever epidemic has showed us the cure to it even though many lives were lost to find it. If we never had this epidemic, today we might have had a yellow fever epidemic killing off thousands and not having a cure. The War Hawks helped free America from Britain. Today we are free to do as we please as Americans. If we didn't have war hawks, we might still be under British rule. The Erie Canal and Slater, Lowell, and Whitney helped contribute to the US as well. They helped with shipping out goods thus letting the US earn money faster which means they could use that money for making America better. The Federalist Era was something we should care about. It had many contributions to early America with things from medicine to steam power.

michelle_tsvitman said...
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michelle_tsvitman said...

I think that the events from the 19th century are important to our time now.I think this because what they did at that time influences what we have now.For example the Erie canal made it cheaper and quicker to trade.This technology we based on what we have now.
Yellow fever may seem like just some disease that killed a lot of people but that disease helped people realize there are going to be a lot more disease so they learned more about medicine and health.
If the War Hawks didn't go into war would we still be ruled my Britain?I think we would and so there is no presidency or democracy.That's not how our country should be.
As you can see all these events helped to get where we are now.That's why we should care about the 19th century.Ad you can see the 19th century isn't just the past its what made the furure!

Andrew Yee said...

Events from the early 19th century are relevant to our lives today in many ways. If the War Hawks didn’t declare war with Great Britain, then we would have to listen to Britain’s tyranny. The Shakers were the first to make brooms with straw attached to the end and are also the first to make the perfect rocking chair. If the Shakers didn’t “invent” the broom, hour homes would be dirty and dusty. If nobody invented the steam engine, then we wouldn’t have present-day cars and heaters. If Lewis and Clark had never volunteered to explore the Louisiana territory for President Jefferson, then we wouldn’t have as much land as the present-day U.S. If there was never a Haitian Delegation, Then Haiti would probably still have working slaves. If nobody had ever created the group “Abstain from War”, then Americans would most likely be poor from giving and spending money on guns, clothing, etc. without the Free African Society, African Americans would be living unhappily. If Hamilton had never created his economic plan, then our country could be constantly going into another great depression. Without the Erie Canal, the cost of sending ships from California to New York would be high, and the time to travel could take forever. If Americans didn’t do as they did in the early 19th century, the present-day America wouldn’t be like it is now.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we should care about the Federalist era. Many inventions; Slate, Lowell and Whitney or the free african society help make our life easier and puts our mind into a different perspective than before. Without steam power transportation became faster and easier for many people. Many of the past events will guide us toward the light when there is a crisis. The Hawks and the dove are always at each other neck. THe same thing with North America and Iraq those two country have been fighting for almost 8 years. Many of the idea in the past are useful, Hamilton economic plan will bring the united states out of the economic crisis. Without Lewis and Clark searching in the west, the United States would have never expand in size and the nation would have been over populated. The United states would not be as smart as we are now, without finding germs, dieses and finding unfamiliar species in a new type of environment. Without Tecumseh or the free African society or Toussaint Lovverture and the Haitian delegation racism will still be going at this very moments. The freedom fighter showed many people that the color of skin never matter except for the person's personality that counts. That is why we should care about the federalist era.

Nick said...

There were many historical events and inventions in the early 19th century that are relevant to our lives today. For example, the Lewis and Clark expedition was the first to explore the west. This expedition also made the discovery of many new species including the prarie dog. This expedition was the start of many other expeditions in the future. Today we still explore. We explore space to learn more about the planets and extra-terrestrial life. We also explore different ways to use energy, like solar and wind energy instead of oil and gas. Honestly not much has changed from the 19th century to now because we still keep trying to increase our knowledge of the world and even unknown places around us. Also, Lewis and Clark were courageous leaders and explorers, which is the spirit of explorers today, like astronauts who travel into space, or divers who explore the oceans.