Candidates use facts selectively and at times misleadingly in print and TV ads. Just before the Iowa caucus, Barack Obama's campaign ran an ad quoting the Washington Post as declaring that Obama's health plan would save families $2,500. The ad asserted that "experts" say his plan is "the best" and "guarantees coverage for all Americans."
FactCheck pointed out that the Post was citing an Obama campaign statement about saving families money and did not analyze it independently. The "experts" were the editorial writers at the Iowa City Press-Citizen. The guarantee of "coverage for all Americans" was asserted in the St. Paul Pioneer Press and, like the ad, omitted mention that while the Clinton and Edwards health plans require coverage for all Americans, the Obama plan allows individuals to buy into coverage if they want to. (
This examples demonstrate, among other things, that a factual statement can be accurate--if cherry-picked--but may come from a tree of sour cherries.
Presidential candidates must answer many questions daily. Usually, and even in debates, they don't have enough time to discuss them in detail--assuming they could if they had the time. One result is a swift recitation of unsupported opinions from "talking points"--that is, a collection of brief statements of views on many issues they know they will be asked about. Because some of these issues are complicated, candidates often make fuzzy utterances.
In developing your own opinion about a candidate's remark, consider its factuality. Several websites offer help. FactCheck Org describes itself as "a nonpartisan, nonprofit 'consumer advocate' for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases." The website is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Other, similar efforts include a project of the St. Petersburg Times and the Congressional Quarterly ( and a Washington Post blog ( All three sites are updated regularly.
Consider also the candidates' opinions. How clearly does a candidate state his or her opinion? Is the opinion supported with facts-at least on the candidate's websites, if not in brief public remarks? Does the candidate present facts selectively, omitting those that are inconvenient?
Select a presidential campaign issue of particular interest to you, investigate how, in terms of factual and opinion statements, one candidate discusses this issue, and susenctly post your findings. I suggest you use one of the resources for young voters on my web site. Young Voters (
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My candidate is Barack Obama. My Issue is Taxes. Barack Obama said: “I will cut taxes ... for 95 percent of all working families.”
( ) And he said McCain proposes “not one penny off tax relief to more than 100 million Americans,” a claim his running mate, Joe Biden, made the night before. ( As states “Obama is right about his plan's effect on working families. More broadly, though, the plan cuts taxes for 81.3 percent of all households in 2009, according to the Tax Policy Center.” About McCain’s promise in the speech. The TPC also states McCain’s tax plan would leave only 65.8 million households without a cut, not 100 million. So Barack Obama did stretch the truth a little. About himself and opponent John McCain, but yet he still promises to lower plan cuts taxes to 81.3 percent of all households. That’s better than nothing!
I support Barack Obama. The issue that we are all looking to fix is the education in all students. We want to make sure that our children are well and better educated. Mr.Obama is working on and he quotes :" I plan to ensure Our children have the skills to compete in a global economy". I beleive that Bark Obama will make sure that the children of the 21st century are educated ther right way we will be lead in the right direction for the next 4-8 years that he will be our president.
The subject that I worry about the most is the environment as much I do, John McCain. His plan is to control greenhouse emissions by lowering prices of mechanism and since the U.S. is responsible for 25% of the world's green house gases, he wants to do something about it. To show he really cares, in 2003, he spoke up at congressional record about global warming.
I am supporting Barack Obama. The issue i chose is Taxes. Barack Obama said he could "pay for every dime" of his spending and taxes. That statement later on became a lie. Actually that statement would leave the U.S facing a lot of budget problems. Obama said he would lower 95% of working families taxes. McCain said " not one penny off tax relief to more than 100 million Americans. Obama wasnt streching the truth when his plan to cut working hoseholds. When Obama said " the average American family" saw its income "go down $2,000" under George Bush. That is incorrect the average family income only loss 348$. So, now we know that Obama lies a little to often but at least he promises to lower taxes for a working household. The percent Barak Obama said he would lower taxes by 95% that is probably the most important thing he said without stretching the truth.
My candidate is Barack Obama. My issues is Taxes. "51 percent of potential voters believe their taxes would rise under Obama, while just 33 percent said the same of John McCain." This prompts a lengthy defense of Obama's tax plan, full of imbalances and outright whoppers. For instance, the article notes that Obama "is fighting the widespread perception that he would jack up tax rates upon taking office." It's hardly a widespread perception—Obama himself has said over and over that he would raise taxes on the top 5 percent of earners. So is it any wonder that a candidate who has pledged to raise taxes on one group stokes fears that he'll also raise others? The larger mystery is why a candidate who has pledged to unequivocally cut taxes (McCain) is still regarded with suspicion by a third of voters.
Nevertheless, the reporters write, the poll results "are likely to be particularly frustrating for Obama, who has failed not only to break through on taxes but also to capitalize on McCain's perceived weakness on the economy, the central issue of the campaign.
My presidental candidate is Barack Obama. My issue is the war in Iraq. Obama states:
"Here is the truth: fighting a war without end will not force the Iraqis to take responsibility for their own future. And fighting in a war without end will not make the American people safer.
So when I am Commander-in-Chief, I will set a new goal on day one: I will end this war. Not because politics compels it. Not because our troops cannot bear the burden- as heavy as it is. But because it is the right thing to do for our national security, and it will ultimately make us safer.”
I think This is the best way to go because Our opoment senator Mac cain wants to leave the troops in iraq for ever if that means we win the war which means theres no one to protect us!. Obama wants to take out the troops in Iraq little by little.
This is better than what Mccain is doing
The person im supporting is Barack Obama. The issue that I chose was health care.The problem is that millions of people who live in american are uninsured. He plans to provide health insurance to every American who doesnt have it.In 2003, Obama sponsored and passed legislation that expanded health care coverage to 70,000 kids and 84,000 adults.
My candidate is Barack Obama. My Issue is Health Care. Barack Obama says he will reduce the price of health care and medicine. In his speech he said “If you can't afford this insurance, you will receive a subsidy to pay for it. If you change jobs, your insurance will go with you. If you need to see a doctor, you will not have to wait in long lines for one." If Barack Obama was President he would lower the payment of your health insurance. Which was in his speech,” If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. That will be less than what you are spending now." From my Issue between Barack Obama and McCain, Barack Obama would work on Health Care 51 percent when he’s president but McCain only would work on Health Care 28 percent.
For the Presidential campaign I am supporting Senator Barack Obama on health care. Health care is one of the many issues that most American families struggle with. 47 million people are left without healthcare in America according to ( Obama’s reformation on health care will allow sick people (with recent and pre-existing conditions) to gain health care. His plan on health care also includes lower premiums. Another fantastic idea about his plan is that if you decide to transfer to another job your health insurance will not be put at risk. ( McCain’s reform on healthcare covers everything EXCEPT for pre-existing conditions such as cancer. What are the millions of people going to do that are already diagnosed with pre-exiting conditions? This plan will exclude them out of health care. Everyone deserves health care so that is why you should vote Barack Obama.
My candidate is Barack Obama. The issue I choose is education. In November, Obama proposed an education agenda that moves beyond party and ideology, and focuses instead on what will make the most difference in a child's life. His goals are to prepare children for the 21st century economy by creating an Innovative Schools Fund, help schools integrate technology, increase the number of students taking college-level courses and expand innovation and school choice. As president, he will lead a new era of accountability in education.
My candidate is Barack Obama.My issue is immigration.Barack Obama once quoted “The time to fix our broken immigration system is now…".He believes we need stronger enforcement on the border and at the workplace… But for reform to work, we also must respond to what pulls people to America… Where we can reunite families, we should. Where we can bring in more foreign-born workers with the skills our economy needs, we should”.I think that Barack Obama should be elected for president,I believe he will make sure that we are secure and let immigrants into our country.
I am supporting Senator Barack Obama for the Presedential Campaign. The issue here is about the education for children. Obama said that he would improve schools by hiring well-qualified teachers to every classroom in America. He believes that the better a teacher teaches, the more they get paid. This can help improve the teachers' quality of work. This would effect on the children because if the children in America has more well-qualified teachers, then they would understand what they're being teached and be more focused towards their work. Also, for the children who can't afford going to college, Mr.Obama has made it more easy and affordable for them. He will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans. Obama even made better education for children from birth up to five years old. He will launch a Children's First Agenda that provides care, learning and support to families with children. Now, you can see how Obama is helping children to get a brighter future. This is why you should vote for Barack Obama, beacause he can help children become better people with a better future.
I'm am against Barak Obama. My issue is the war in Iraq. Barack Obama is trying to cut funds for the war in Iraq and bring the troops back, while during being elected for senate he agreed to raise war funds. The source for the information is John McCain for a reason is keeping the soliders in Iraq, to help Iraq make a stable goverment and keep terrorists as far away from it as possible.
My candidate that I am supporting is Barack Obama. The main issue I am concern about is education. Obama said " I will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition for public or private college".
McCain on the other hand, McCain believes grants and loans should be given to people that really need it.
I would agree with Obama. He stated that most people that will go to college will be completely free or something else. McCain will only guarantees that it would be only given to people that need it the most.
Michael Eberman
724 9/11/08
The Obama ad says that McCain voted to cut education funding. In 1995, McCain voted for a Republican budget resolution for fiscal year 1996 that would have reduced education spending from the previous year. But education was not the only budget item targeted. The resolution was actually one in a series of appropriations bills for departments ranging from Health and Human Services to the Department of Energy, and in each measure, the Newt Gingrich-led Republicans tried to reduce funding from the previous year's level. President Bill Clinton refused to sign any of the measures, and the government was shutdown for a time. Besides that vote to actually cut funding, the ad lists three votes against increased funding for the Department of Education. In the past, we've criticized Republicans for falsely attacking Obama on voting for tax increases when he actually voted against tax cuts. Obama's ad applies the same faulty logic. Voting against an increase is notably different from voting for a funding cut. The ad also says, "John McCain's economic plan gives $200 billion more to special interests while taking money away from public schools." But that's misleading. To start, McCain's plan doesn't include any specific cuts to education programs and funding. Rather, he has proposed an across-the-board freeze of non-defense. So education grants, as well as all sorts of other government programs like farm subsidies and NASA projects, would not receive their annual funding increase for one year. Some would argue that a freeze is actually a cut when you factor in the effect of inflation. And others would go further and say it's a cut if the money had been projected by an earlier budget.
The canidate I choose was Barack Obama and the issue is education. Barack Obama thinks the problem with schools is that people in their first year of college are forced to take remedial science and math cources if they don't know what classes they want to study. Obama thinks college costs to much and wants all teenagers to go to college. Another problem is that teachers are quiting as teachers in less than 5 years. A Obama is do is make a new afterschool program that let more than 1 million kids to join. To allow kids to pay for college, Barack Obama will raise taxes so college will be cheaper for all teenagers. That is why I choose Barack Obama as my canidate.
I am opposing Barack Obama. My issue is troops in Iraq. John McCain has always supported our troops, but Obama doesn’t. McCain was the one that urged President Bush to withdraw soldiers back to the U.S. “McCain urged a veto of funding our troops”. Obama also didn’t go to Iraq in years.
The war in Iraq is a very big issue, and that is why our next president must do as much as they can to fix it. For example, John McCain`s position on this issue is that he wants the troops to stay in Iraq to finish what President George W. Bush started.
McCain wants the troops to stay for at least another 50 years, but President Bush had recently signed a time table of troop redrawl with the Iraqi`s that will greatly reduce the number of troops in Iraq of which counteracts McCains position.
My candidate is Barak Obama. Barak Obama said “I will cut taxes for all 95 percent of working families. Obama also said that Mccain proposes"not one penny off." And Obama also said that said McCain suggests “not one penny off tax relief to more than 1 million Americans. Obama is right about his plan’s effect on working families. The plan cuts taxes for 81.3 percent of all households in 2009, according to the tax policy center. The TPC(Tax Policy Center) also says that Mccain's tax plan leaves 65.8 million without a cut. For Obama’s tax plans, he wants to cut taxes most of all working families,”( Barack Obama promises the biggest cuts to those who make the least money. Because of Barak Obama taxes will rise by $701,855 instead of 1 million. Barack Obama is helping everybody with there tax problems even for the poor. McCain: The average taxpayer in every income group would see a lower tax bill, but high-income taxpayers would benefit more than everyone else.
Obama: High-income taxpayers would pay more in taxes, while everyone else's tax bill would be reduced. Those who benefit the most - in terms of reducing their taxes as a percentage of after-tax income - are in the lowest income groups.Obama would also introduce new tax breaks for lower and middle-income groups. ( Obama, unlike Mccain, wants to make wants to make life for the poor and middle people easier by making them pay less taxes, but Mccain want it the opposit way, he want rich people to pay less taxes than the poor and middle people. That is how Barack Obama would help many people with their tax and would probably make a great candidate.
My comment is for Tina. What did McCain exactly say about the environment? Barack Obama said he would commercialize wind power and solar energy. While doing research I found out that McCain is against drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as is Obama. What else do you know?
My issue is the environment because I think we should keep the planet clean for animals, plants and humans. My candidate is Senator Barack Obama because I think he touched on the vital issue of the environment. He said no to nuclear (in general), only nuclear energy if it's safe. He wants to make sure it's safe before using it. Both Barack Obama and Senator John McCain are against drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) to protect everything that lives there. Animals and plants are an important part of our lives. Barack Obama is for commercializing of wind, solar and other renewable fuels that do not harm the environment. Barack Obama is for the environment, are you?
My comment is for Jade Fenton. The question is how would taking the soldiers back solve our problems? If we went into Iraq why would we take them back without ending what we started? The mission was to help Iraq gain a stable government. If something like 9/11 we would never forgive ourselves. To take the troops back is like giving the terrorists another chance of doing something bad.
My comment is for Michelle.Michelle just wondering,why did you choose to use the issue of immigration among all the other issues the president will have to solve? Plus why do you think the immigration system has gone down?
My comment is for Michelle. Why do you think we need a stronger enforcement? Why should we have more foreign born workers? Also you are not so sure that he is secure that he will let immigrants come.
I have a question for Kenneth Li. He said that Barack Obama has given health insurance to 84,000 adults and 70,000 kids for health care.
Do you think that there might be another way to solve this health care problem besides insurance?
My question is for Oznur. Why do you think that keeping soldiers in Iraq is meaningless if they are helping in the war ,i understand that they are dying but isn't it for a good cause?
My candidate Barack Obama states that fighting two wars without end will not force the Iraqis to take responsibility for their own future, and fighting in a war without end will not make the American people safer. So when I am Commander-in-Chief, I will set a new goal: to end the war because it is the right thing to do for our national security and it will ultimately make us safer.
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