Monday, September 15, 2008

3. Questioning, Due Thursday

Step 1- Read all the comments from the previous assignment.

Step 2- Choose one comment which is thoughtful.

Step 3-

First, paraphrase the comment you are responding to: For example: “Mr. Baalbaki thinks that…”

Then, write a question about the chosen comment. The question must be: clear, sincere, useful and be the sort of question which leads to more questions. The question you write must complicate the comment’s argument, make the reader of the comment you are questioning think deeper. Stir up some intellectual trouble.


Sarh Aly said...
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Sarh Aly said...

My question s for Sharena Austin. Sharena wrote about how Barak Obama is working on a plan,"to ensure Our children have the skills to complete in a global economy." Then Sharena said that she believes that, Barack Obama will make sure that, the children of the 21st century are educated the right direction for the next 4-8 years that he will be our president. My question to Sharena is where would Barack Obama get the money to help children get better education, if he is cutting down taxes?

Sarh Aly said...
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Sarh Aly said...
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Andrew Yee said...

My question is for Kenneth Li. Kenneth wrote "The person im supporting is Barack Obama. The issue that I chose was health care.The problem is that millions of people who live in american are uninsured. He plans to provide health insurance to every American who doesnt have it.In 2003, Obama sponsored and passed legislation that expanded health care coverage to 70,000 kids and 84,000 adults." I have a question though. Is Barack Obama going to give health care to everyone? If yes, is he going to give health care in everybody, including the homeless people and very, very poor people?

Justin Yuen said...

My question is for Jonathan Suris. He said "The war in Iraq is a very big issue, and that is why our next president must do as much as they can to fix it. McCain wants the troops to stay for at least another 50 years, but President Bush had recently signed a time table of troop redraw with the Iraqi`s that will greatly reduce the number of troops in Iraq of which counteracts McCain’s position." My question is, what's McCain's going to do since Bush has signed a time table of troop redraw? Will he continue the war till it ends? Would he put my security on America?

FuYuan (Victor) Liang said...

My candidate John McCain is majorly agreeing on the side of health issues.I want to ask kenneth what his candidate thnks on health care. McCain wants to make sure to give all citizens health coverage and plan to make some taxes go to the people without health coverage. He wishes to give individuals $2,500 for medical coverage and $5,000 to those in a family. McCain even made health issues more important than government intervention.Does Barack Obama agree on this?

Trisha Brown said...

My question is for Andrew Yee. Andrew Yee wrote that Barack Obama doesn’t support the troops and that he has not been to Iraq in years. My question to him is what were the sources that you used? Do you think your comment has enough detail to support John McCain’s view on the war in Iraq? What does he plan to do that is better than Barack Obama's plan? And last but not least when was the last time McCain went to Iraq?

elaine_chan said...
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elaine_chan said...

My questions are for Sherena Austin. First of all, Sharena wrote that Obama is planning on ensuring children so they have the skills to compete in a global economy. Sharena believes that Barack Obama will make sure that the children of the 21st century are educated the right way and will be lead in the right direction for the next 4-8 years that he will be our president. Now, my questions are, where does Barack Obama get all the money to pay for the childrens' education? How will he help them with their education? Also, how do you know if anything is going to go wrong from the 4-8 years when he becomes our president? For example, what if he runs out of money because he's cutting down all the taxes? Then he won't have enough money to pay the childrens' education.

Anonymous said...

Elaine Chan believes that the more the teacher teachs, the more they get paid. Also she believes, that hiring better qualified teachers would help the childrens' education. My question is what would happen to the teachers that they replace? What if they have a family at home and they need a job and no other schools is needs a teacher? What are they to do?

Sharena Austin said...

My question is for Mirium she said that Barack Obama quoted "That he will cut taxes 95% for families." Mirium why do you support Mr Obama? Is this the only reason you support him how else do you think he would change the world if he was elected.

elizabeth_sangadzhiev said...

My question is for Andrew Yee. Andrew stated that "John McCain has always supported our troops, but Obama doesn’t. McCain was the one that urged President Bush to withdraw soldiers back to the U.S." If McCain urged Bush to bring back the troops then why does he want to keep them fighting the war in Iraq now?

Miriam Avrutin said...

My question is to Tina. My question is How is McCain going to save the envorment. Isnt all he is doing is lowering the prices. How is he going to lower the use of energy,gas and pollution. If he lowers the prices on for example lights/electricity people will never turn off the lights. Will never turn our computer etc.

Jade Fenton said...

My question is for Andrew Yee. He stated that McCain wants the troops to stay in Iraq. Once he urged Bush to withdrae the troops. Why does MacCain want the troops in Iraq now? FOR THE FAME. What can MacCain do better than Barak Obama

Kenneth Li said...

My comment is for Jonathan. He said that McCain wants the troops to stay for at least another 50 years. Why doesn't he just bring the troops back now? Why does he want the troops to stay for another 50 years?

Oznur_Gul said...

My question is for Tiffany Luong. She says how Obama will make the first $4,000 of a college education completely free for most Americans. And it will cover 2/3 the cost of a tuition for public or private college. If Obama reduces these prices, where is he going to get the money to pay for professors, books, etc.?

Hassan_Khan said...

My question is for Jonathan. If Mccain said he would let the troops stay in Iraq for another 50 years. But i heard that Mccain veto to Bush about bringing the troops back. So my question for Jonathan what is the point of keeping the troops in Iraq for 50 years when Bush had signed a contract with Iraq to stop the war? So, for Mcain to get more votes wouldn't he bring the troops back immediately to get more votes?

Anonymous said...

My question is for Alex D. Even thought Obama answer may have been confusing. McCain answer is even worst. He still wants people mom and dad lives to be killed or injured. McCain not sending back is a bad thing and Obama wants them to be sent back and that is the right thing to do.

Hcole said...

Barack thinks the war in iraq is unnessesary and is a waste of money. The war in iraq cost 10 billion dollars a month that we could have used in the U.S. People say we can't afford stuff like school but we are spending $10,000,000,000 on iraq.

jonathan_suris said...

I have a question for Kenneth Li. He said that Barack Obama has given health insurance to 84,000 adults and 70,000 kids for health care.
Do you think that there might be another way to solve this health care problem besides insurance?

September 17, 2008 4:28 PM

Hcole said...

This is a reply to Hassan's question. McCain should take the troops away from iraq immediately and it makes no sense to keep the troops in iraq

Miriam Avrutin said...
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Anastasia Volovik said...

Catherine Chan said that McCain wants to continued the war in Iraq and leave the troops there to fight.
Question: Does McCain want to kill and injure more people? and Does he not care what will happen if we continue the war in Iraq?